Press coverage

Tim Maltin Press coverage

2021 Press coverage:

Mail on Sunday, 25 April 2021:

Daily Mail, 19 April 2021:

BBC, 16 April 2021:

The Sun newspaper, 10 March 2021:

Sky News, 11 March 2021:, 11 March 2021:

News 24, 10 March:

Cornwall Live, 8 March 2021:

Falmouth Packet, 7 March 2021:

‘An unusual optical phenomenon explains why the Titanic struck an iceberg and received no assistance from a nearby ship, according to new research by British historian Tim Maltin…His findings [are] presented in his new book, A Very Deceiving Night, and the documentary film Titanic‘s Final Mystery.’ American Scientist

‘With its detailed stories from survivors of the disaster, Titanic, First Accounts is hugely engaging and adroitly debunks some of the event’s great myths. (“Nearer, My God, to Thee” wasn’t actually the last song played by the ship’s band.) The eyewitness testimonies are equal parts illuminating and haunting, revealing intimate conversations with surviving passengers who didn’t fully grasp the scope of the unfolding devastation until it was too late.’ Entertainment Weekly

‘A new book reveals the truth and myths about the giant liner and the most famous sea disaster in history.” Daily Express

‘Time was spent assessing the damage from the iceberg when nearby ships could have been steaming to the rescue, research from author Tim Maltin said.’ Daily Telegraph

‘British historian and author Tim Maltin outlines his findings in a TV documentary for National Geographic Channel…Mr Maltin, 39, from Wiltshire, unearthed weather records and the logs of other ships in the North Atlantic at the time that have remained unseen in archives for a century. Along with survivors’ testimony, he pieced together how the tragedy most likely unfolded on that fateful night on April 15, 1912. Using contemporary records, Mr Maltin discovered the ship sank at the exact location and time that freezing waters from the Arctic flowing along the Labrador Current met hotter air from the Gulf Stream. And because this bent the light rays passing through the air at this point – completely obscuring the iceberg on the horizon – the doomed liner sailed directly towards it for a full 20 minutes, when under normal circumstances it would have been in clear view of the look-outs. Mr Maltin – author of the book ‘101 Things You Thought You Knew About The Titanic…But Didn’t!’ – said his mirage theory also explains why Captain Stanley Lord, whose ship The Californian was just 10 miles away, did not attempt a rescue because the illusion made the Titanic look like a much smaller ship.’ Daily Mail

Here is the Smithsonian Magazine’s coverage of my new research findings.

The New York Times broke the story of my new findings here and subsequently covered my National Geographic film here.

Reviews for my book 101 Things You Thought You Knew:

Daily Express

Daily Mail

Daily Telegraph

Belfast Telegraph

Irish Central

One India

tim maltin press coverage
Daily Mirror

Peer reviews

‘Tim Maltin has done a fine job of dispelling the myths that have attached themselves to the Titanic saga since the great vessel disappeared beneath the surface of the North Atlantic in the spring of 1912. Carefully researched and meticulously detailed, this book is a worthy addition to the library of anyone who has even a passing interest in the Titanic disaster.’ – George Behe, Vice President, Titanic Historical Society 1992-1996

‘Tim Maltin has addressed the many questions and myths that have arisen over Titanic but he has gone one further than the average author in that he has brought forth the testimony of the people who were there, coupled with the latest research to back up his work. Maltin’s book is a must for any Titanic enthusiast’s collection.’ – Bruce Beveridge, Founder, Titanic Research and Modeling Association

‘For once we have a book that addresses some of myths and popular legends that have propagated down the years and been repeated in books, articles, movies, TV documentaries, and most recently on the internet. It is well written with many references to the direct evidence presented first hand by those who were there at the formal inquiries that followed the disaster back in 1912.’ – Sam Halpern, Titanic researcher and author

Amazon reviews for A Very Deceiving Night

“This book (catch also, the DVD) has me looking in new ways at every eyewitness account. Though the signal light flashes being made indistinguishable, by thermal refraction effects, are discussed in the book, a look at letters and at the two inquiries brings up new perspectives in every direction – which I hope the author can address in future editions. I will never see, in the same way,the accounts of what was actually perceived from the Californian, where Groves and fellow crew members seemed aware of the refraction effects of the thermal layers over the freezing water, and actually spoke dismissively about ship near the horizon, “having a big side of it out of the water” being an illusion of the atmosphere. Were the stars not twinkling “as if alive…. with a staccato flash,” highlighting the effect, the Californian’s crew might have been more believing of what their own eyes were showing them (that big side out of the water is the ship sinking) – more inclined to wake the Marconi operator and/or the captain. What I love most about this book is that it examines such haunting scenes as the layering of the mist that rose from the sinking Titanic – the author gets even those of us who were aware of the effect, and its reasons, to see it in a new wholly light. Put another way: he looks at what the rest of us have been looking at for decades, and asks (sensible and scientifically important) questions that no one has asked before. I have often wondered how icebergs seen on the northern horizon (by Neeshan Krekorian) – as distant dark nubs rising against the stars – 40 minutes before impact, were never seen from the bridge or the crow’s nest, several decks higher. The ship should not, by reasonable probability, have penetrated so far into the ice field without lookouts first seeing ice passing in the distance – to port and (probably) to starboard (which would have resulted in a slow-down order). Distortion and lensing effects could easily have come into play, keeping Titanic in “cracking on” mode until a berg of just the perfect height (only up to the Boat Deck) could not be seen against black, dead calm water until the bow was within 400 feet (and ten seconds) of it. This book is the first really new and credible window in a very long time – on the incredible night the Titanic went down.” C Pellegrino

“I have been interested in the ‘anatomy of disasters’ for years. Titanic is much written about, and consequently much commented upon. Tim M has clearly worked hard with his books – he’s changed my mind about the Californian captain who was probably ill served by various judgemental people. I can think of only one minor improvement – to include Ernest Shackleton’s evidence verbatim as an appendix; the opinions of a profession seaman in his field of expertise.” C Povey

“The argument presented in this book is constructed from a very impressive body of newly mined data. It is very very persuasive. For me it leaves no doubt whatsoever in the answers it gives to the questions it poses.” Grahameducato

“I am a huge fan of any Titanic information I can get my hands on to read or anything I can watch on tv. There are countless books with the same information written over and over. Tim Maltin goes above and beyond with new facts in “A Very Deceiving Night” about why the Titanic sank that fateful night in 1912. I have read both of his other books, “101 Things You Thought You Knew About The TITANIC…But Didn’t!” and “First Accounts.” While both of those are important and enjoyable to read, AVDN offers an extremely detailed account of testimonies from people whom you never have been able to read testimonies from previously (or that which has not been in most common books about the topic). This includes crew members from the Californian (the ship that was nearby but failed to come to Titanic’s rescue). It offers an explanation about why they did not come, based on atmospheric conditions that night. Maltin explores many scientific principals that played a factor in the crash and eventual sinking of Titanic. His super refraction theory and miraging will open your mind to a whole new aspect of the tragedy of Titanic. Another aspect that makes this book amazing is the amount of graphs, charts, and photos included. Since it is an electronic version only, you get to experience more details than if it were a paper book. This book has changed my way of thinking about why the crash occurred and why no body came to help the sinking ship. The information included in this groundbreaking book will change EVERYTHING you have thought before about the situation and has changed history as well. I thank Tim Maltin for his impeccable research and for sharing it with the world.” Book lover

“I knew there was more! When I was 10 and the wreck was found, I KNEW there was more than night with no moon! I always believed there was more to it. I always wondered how you cannot see a WHITE iceberg big enough to sink a ship that’s 882 feet long! This answered the question that has bothered me for 30 years! And to see Stanley Lord exonerated was a thrill. May he now rest in peace! May God grant the noble Captain Stanley Phillip Lord the peace, honor, and freedom he so desperately deserves! The truth will set you free!!! Schools should use this, not those poorly-written textbooks that are written from newspaper articles (which lie and embellish). Thank you, Mr Maltin, for your excellent research! My children will be home-schooled and this will be on their required reading list. (And we are naming our son Stanley after Captain Lord.)” Jennifer

“This is a fascinating and fresh look into the worlds most famous and tragic maritime disaster. For me it answers many of those questions about that fateful night that for so long have remained a mystery, such as, why key decisions were and were not made at the time by those in a position to do so. Tim Maltin is to be commended and congratulated for his thorough and extensive research in relation to this thesis. His attention to detail and the lengths to which he has gone to gather the relevant information from such a huge range of primary sources is both impressive and valuable; and his explanation of the science associated with this thesis is both meticulous and illuminating. I found the digital format to be easy, convenient and enjoyable; although I would like to have a hard copy for my book shelf at some future time. I not only appreciate the effort that has gone into producing this book but also the contribution it has made to the overall story behind this tragic event, which until now had created more questions than answers.” Kevin Oldfield

“This isn’t the first time an author has claimed to solve the Titanic mysteries, but Tim Maltin may just have done it. His thesis is super-refraction occurring and creating mirages. Now super-refraction has been blamed before, in Titanic books and reports, but A Very Deceiving Night is the best researched and cogently argued by far. The particular mirage effect,created by freezing water meeting the warmer water of the Gulf Stream,misled both the Titanic’s lookouts and the officers of the nearby Californian, as Maltin ably demonstrates by a critique of their evidence to the 1912 official inquiries.
Now super-refraction isn’t the easiest of concepts for the layman to grasp, but the book has many actual visual examples recorded by mariners and scientists. The evidence is overwhelming that, on a particular night in 1912, the part of the North Atlantic where Titanic crashed was creating optical illusions. Other ships, not involved in the disaster, recorded it clearly in their log-books and messages. Thus the Titanic’s lookouts failed to spot the looming berg in time, whilst the deck officers of the Californian misidentified the Titanic in the distance as a much smaller steamer. No doubt there will be those who continue to believe that the Titanic hit the iceberg because the lookouts were distracted by Leonardo and Kate having sex or whatever, but it’s not possible to discount Maltin’s research once you have digested it. It certainly was a coincidence that atmospheric conditions came together at just the “right” time in the north Atlantic to create super-refraction, but it has happened before and since as many fishermen have recorded. The sea can become a killing field. Maltin sensibly doesn’t get over-emotional about the Californian incident. In one sense Captain Lord is off the hook since what his deck officers thought they saw was not a huge passenger liner. Maltin leaves the matter there and rightly. But Lord was not totally the innocent victim of hostile courts of inquiry as portrayed by his defenders. He ignored rockets fired at sea even though brought to his attention in the chart room on several occasions. Lord died in 1962, disappointed that his name had not been cleared. Sixty years on, he deserves only a 50% clearance. What’s really required is a new Titanic spectacular movie emphasizing that things are not always what they seem in the north Atlantic. Perhaps Leonardo could return as the troubled captain Smith and Kate as the tireless Mollie Brown.” John Barry Kenyon

“I think that this is a wonderful book. Tim Maltin deftly uses scientific research plus the testimony of the Titanic passengers and officers and crew, including the testimony of the Californian’s officers and crew to describe his theory of how the Titanic disaster was caused by a killing zone of nature. Readers will find the book easy to read and understand. Highly recommended.” Terri Bey

“Well researched, well written.” Tracey Webb

“Very well written and re-searched. Explains a lot about the night of April 14, 1912 and adds a perspective to the astonishing confluence of events that lead to the tragedy. Any serious Titanic buff must read this book.” Atcavage

“The science explored in this ebook is very interesting. I gladly recommend this study to anyone who is interested in the tragedy of Titanic’s sinking.” Charles W Kessler

“A very well researched theory that goes a long way towards what happened to Titanic and the events surrounding it.” Amazon customer

“This is an insightful and detailed investigation that utilizes modern research techniques and draws very viable conclusions from the authors intensive study of the Titanic’s history. It very clearly explains just how such a massive stuffup could ever occur in the first place and leaves you feeling that finally the mystery is explained. Having been fascinated with the Titanic story for many years I viewed the National Geographic program (released for the 100 year remembrance) with great enthusiasm. This book expands that program with considerable examples of supportive evidence, mixed with expert an author opinion that leaves you in little doubt to this explanation being highly likely. At times I found the volume of evidence a little repetitive and admit to skipping over some of the references. But I guess it’s better to have and not use, rather than doubt through lack of opportunity. For me the choice to skip some small passages in no way lessened the enjoyment or value and I guess the detail provides for a wide spectrum of readers. The most obvious difference between this and other Titanic books I’ve read is that it deals in documented facts rather than 2nd generation info and conjecture. It has presented insight from areas previously not considered. In short it is a must read for anyone remotely interested in understanding a very deceiving accident.” NT Munford

Amazon reviews for 101 Things You Thought You Knew About The Titanic…But Didn’t

“This was a fascinating book. Being captivated by the sinking of the Titanic since I first learned about it over 30 years ago, I thought I knew a lot about it. Clearly, totally, and in all other ways wrong! Author Tim Maltin (who also has done a fantastic documentary on the subject) shares his years of research, fact finding, and myth busting in this page turning bundle of entertainment. First-hand accounts, riveting testimony from both the American and British inquiries, and accounts from surviving officers make this a book that any Titanic lover will rarely put down, and then start all over reading it again. I cannot recommend this book enough. If I could give it 6 stars, I would.” JD

“This book is a must read for any true Titanic fanatic. It’s broken down into 101 simple true/false or yes/no statements with full explanations afterward citing the British and American enquiries into the disaster, eyewitness accounts, and other relevant testimony. It really goes a long way towards dispelling some of the more pervasive and enduring myths surrounding the sinking of the R.M.S. Titanic. Well researched and tersely written, this book is a joy!” Scott S

“Best Titanic reading ever (excluding autobiographies written by survivors). I never believed it was built of cheap steel or that the crew on Californian was dismissive of the distress calls. How I hate all those stupid myths. This is what schools and colleges should use to teach about Titanic, not poorly-written school textbooks that use old newspapers (which exaggerate and lie). My children will be home-schooled and this is will on the reading list that I set for them. I am a strong believer in the truth. And I think this book covered the Titanic better than any other.” Jennifer

“I have been reading books about the Titanic for fifty years on and off, and this book with its wonderful research and no-nonsense approach to certain beliefs and discussion points is the sort of book I have wanted to read all along.” John Garlington

“I received the book, 101 Things You Thought You Knew About the Titanic by Tim Maltin, as an ebook from the publisher Penguin Books. As you all know I am a history buff… I LOVE HISTORY! I am the only person you know who not only has Usher’s Annuals of World History but who has read almost the entire thing… (If you don’t know what that is…) Anyways, I loved this book. With the anniversary of the fateful trip upon us, I was intrigued. I still remember a neighbor who had the newspaper from that day. She had been 12 at the time, and she told me what it was like to hear that news personally. So I couldn’t wait to look at this book. I was amazed at many of the items that are commonly believed about the sinking of the Titanic that are FALSEHOODS or rumors that were propagated early on before the truth made it out. For example, many of you have heard that they had too FEW life boats to code, when in actuality they had as many as they should via the code of the day. What about the claim that the Christening of the boat with the bottle of Champagne that didn’t break?? WRONG!! Or that just like in the movie the Irish immigrants were locked down stairs.. WRONG!!! This book takes the details from a inquiry trial that took place with all involved and the survivors and details their answers and responses…” Curtis A Cecil

“The author clearly has gone to great lengths to research every detail provided in this book. Well known events and obscure details come up in this book which examines all aspects of the disaster. The format of the book is reader-friendly and I found it an instant page turner. Recommended for Titanic fans and enthusiasts.” Argyris Periferakis

“This book is great for the Titanic enthusiast. A lot of interesting facts for all, whether you know a lot about this magnificent ship or not. Would recommend.” Amy

“A new favourite book of mine about The Titanic! I have read so very much on this tragedy over the years. Could I possibly read yet another book on it? I truly wanted to, with the 100th anniversary coming up this April 2012. The incidents surrounding Titanic’s lifespan are certainly legendary. Like all things legendary, fiction springs from fact; tales surrounding it become urban legend — and fiction and facts entwine. Clarity becomes muddled — so much so, that after awhile, it does become a bit confusing keeping it clearly in focus. That is why Tim Maltin’s book was spot-on for me. In a casual, concise, straight-forward style, he tackles 101 facts, fictions, and confusions about Titanic. I can honestly say that by reading this, I deepened my knowledge on the facts I understood to be true; cleared up more than a few fictions that had entered my brain (thanks, Hollywood); and enjoyed some of the more urban legend elements that I had not encountered before. I never felt like I was reading a lecture. Maltin engaged and easily held my interest from first page to last. I cannot recommend this book highly enough. It is a wonderful addition to my Titanic library. Best of all, this would make an outstanding gift for anyone, regardless of their level of knowledge on the Titanic. It is a fantastic read for novices and armchair experts and would be appreciated by anyone with a passion and interest in Titanic. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED WITHOUT ANY RESERVATIONS.” Craig R Stafford

“101 Things You Thought You Knew About the Titanic… But Didn’t!” was released to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the sinking of the Titanic on April 15, 1912. It contains exactly what the title says, 101 unknown facts about the Titanic, the passengers, and its sinking. I have always been fascinated with anything surrounding that fateful voyage. This book did not disappoint. It is clear that the authors did their research. It is full of new and interesting facts that are not common knowledge. One example of this can be found when they discuss the fact that there were not enough lifeboats for everyone on board. In reality the ship followed the laws of the land for the time and had as many lifeboats as required during the pre-Titanic era. Much of the information this book contains comes from the inquiries that took place after its famous sinking. It also contains survivor accounts of what really happened to Titanic. Tim Maltin takes all of the key elements and breaks them down in an easy to read format. This is a must not miss book for any Titanic fanatic.” Misty

“This year marked the 100th anniversary of the sinking of the R.M.S. Titanic, but despite all the years that have passed since it plunged to the Atlantic’s sea floor, taking over 1,500 lives with it, myths and stories and misconceptions have continued to make their rounds. And in the midst of all the floods of books that came out to mark the anniversary, Tim Maltin’s 101 Things You Thought You Knew About the Titanic…but Didn’t! emerged as an excellent example of how to correct the storyline the RIGHT way. Though the book is fairly short (only 172 e-pages on my Nook), it is straight to the point, categorizing the different stories and then listing them, one by one, and either confirming or sinking the story as true or false. And in the process, Maltin does a great job of educating the reader in the finer points of the ship’s sinking and the events that surrounded its planning, construction, and all the people involved. I would highly recommend it to Titanic enthusiasts, to those new to the story, and even to those who don’t know much but want to know more about what has become the most famous ship sinking in history.” Jessica M

“I guess that this book was released to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the sinking of the Titanic on April 15, 1912. The book was actually very interesting. If you think you know everything about the Titanic well then your wrong! Read this book it really does include 101 things about the Titanic that I bet that not many people know. So if you like the Titanic then this book is deff. for you!” Crossroad Reviews

“I enjoyed this book, very well written. Didn’t learn a great deal that I didn’t already know but there were a few intriguing nuggets i hadn’t heard before or had been mentioned but never clarified. Glad I have it in my collection and would definitely read more from this author on this subject well done Sir.” RobDee

“I bought this as a present for my partner and he could not put it down. An excellent little book.” Mls

Amazon reviews for Titanic: First Accounts

“This book was engrossing and I didn’t want it to end. It was heart-breaking but interesting and it takes you on the voyage and the deck of the ship at times. Although it has been over 100 years since all this happened, it takes you right there, and it is fascinating.” N. Sbelgio

“Everyone who has read this loved it.” J9

This is an EXCELLENT and VERY DETAILED account of this incredible disaster. It is somewhat ‘clinical’; not too much emotion or novelized accounting. Truly for the detailed oriented. EXCELLENT” Amazon customer

“Well documented book. Many of the statements from survivors become repetitive, but reading through them is like being there in the dark of a cold night in a lifeboat. And these were the lucky ones, as so many perished both in the sinking ship and the freezing cold water. A goodly number of victims are buried in a Halifax cemetery I recently visited, many with stones marked “unknown.” Quite a few victims are buried in Eastern Canada cemeteries. It is a somber experience to visit the graves and think about that fateful night and how the people suffered.” Satisfied Shopper

“A great read.” Roger Blankley

“I love history and with the anniversary of this tragic event I was compelled to read more. This is an easy read and the first hand accounts provide a different insight often not included in television documentaries. It does however bring many questions to the readers mind as many first hand accounts were disregarded by the authorities at the time and even in many of todays publications. An important read to get the whole picture.” Amazon customer

“Most interesting book for me.” Alexis Schaller

“First Accounts is an interesting insight that provides thought beyond the typical Titantic story or movie. We are planning a Titanic final first class dinner and First Accounts excerpts will be placed at each survivor’s place setting to read before each of the slimmed down menu of ten courses. A good simple read detailing both survivor and non-survivor accounts.” Roger


  1. My Grandmother was said to have a ticket on the Titanic but did not sail because she and the children she was a nanny for were quarantined just days before she was due to make the trip. Is there any log of the people who did not board but held tickets? We searched everything when she died but found nothing. I have tried to research this myself but could find nothing.

  2. If the s.s. Carpathia was only 10 Mile away on a claer night WHY didnt the TITANIC send up Destress Flares ????????:-(

    1. Thanks Alex, Titanic did send up distress flares and Californian did see them, but her Captain decided not to move his ship until daylight, when it was safe to do so (he did not realise it was the Titanic sinking).

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